Giorgio Buccellati, A Critical Theory of Archaeology Notes to Chapter 10. The referential record Home 10.1 Reassembling the "raw" data 10.2 The fragmented evidence and the sequential argument 10.3 The documentation 10.3.1 The documentary record 10.3.2 Databases 10.3.3 Passive digital publication 10.3.4 Documentary visualization 10.3.5 Statistical elaboration 10.4 The narrative 10.4.1 The textual narrative 10.4.2 Excavation reports 10.4.3 Argument based narratives 10.4.4 Conclusion based narrative 10.5 Perceptual visualization 10.6 Virtual reality 10.7 The stakeholders, proximate and remote 10.8 Public outreach 10.9 The grammatical dimension 10.1 Reassembling the "raw" data
10.2 The fragmented evidence and the sequential argument10.3 The documentationBack to top10.3.1 The documentary record10.3.2 Databases10.3.3 Passive digital publication10.3.4 Documentary visualization
10.3.5 Statistical elaboration
10.4 The narrative10.4.1 The textual narrative
10.4.2 Excavation reports
10.4.3 Argument based narratives10.4.4 Conclusion based narrative10.5 Perceptual visualization
10.6 Virtual reality
10.7 The stakeholders, proximate and remote
10.8 Public outreach
10.9 The grammatical dimension |