Giorgio Buccellati

with links to electronic offprints and abstracts

Chronological order


1959 "2 Re ll, 20"
Bibbia e Oriente 1, p. 81.
Full text

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"Da Saul a David: Le Origini della monarchia israelitica alla luce della storiografia contemporanea"
Bibbia e Oriente 1, pp. 99-128.
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"La Redenzione come 'conquista'"
Bibbia e Oriente 1, p. 64.
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"Popolo del paese"
Bibbia e Oriente 3, p. 77.
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Bibbia e Oriente 2, pp. 76-77.
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"L'evoluzione dottrinale del Deutero-Isaia"
Bibbia e Oriente 2, p. 77.
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"L'evoluzione dottrinale del Deutero-Isaia"
Ai rapporti tra S. Scrittura e dogma 2, p. 77.
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"il protestantesimo americano e la Bibbia"
Bibbia e Oriente 2, pp. 189-190.
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"Un avviamento ai rotoli"
Bibbia e Oriente 2, p. 190.
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"Proverbi e Giobbe"
Bibbia e Oriente 2.
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"Gli Israeliti di Palestina al tempo dell'esilio"
Bibbia e Oriente 2, pp. 199-209.
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"Lam. 2, 5"
Bibbia e Oriente 3, p. 37.
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"Diritto israelitico"
Bibbia e Oriente 3, p. 69-70.
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"Religione egiziana"
Bibbia e Oriente 3, p. 101.
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"Il giorno di Jahve"
Bibbia e Oriente 3, p. 69-70.
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"Garbini, Semitico di Nord-Ovest"
reviewed in Rivista degli Studi Orientali 37, pp. 135-136
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"Un'importante storia d'Israele"
Bibbia e Oriente 3, p. 228.
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Bibbia e Oriente 4, p. 69.
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"2 Sam. 2, 5-7"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, p. 233.
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"Campo del gualcheraio"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, p. 204.
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"Storia politica del regni israelitici"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, p. 70.
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"I discendenti di David dopo l'esilio"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, pp. 70-73.
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"Lessicografia ebraica"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, pp. 73-74.
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"La carriera di David e quella di Idrimi"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, pp. 95-99.
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"Ricompensa di servizi politici resi al re"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, p. 99.
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"Brekelmans, Herem in the Old Testament"
Bibbia e Oriente 4, pp. 69-70.
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"Liver, Toledoth Beth Dawid"
reviewed in Bibbia e Oriente 4, pp. 70-72.
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"Testi babilonesi antichi"
Bibbia e Oriente 5, pp. 116-117.
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"I testi economici della III dinastia di Ur"
Bibbia e Oriente 5, pp. 117-118.
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"La storia della Siria antica"
Bibbia e Oriente 5, pp. 118-119.
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"Jones and Snyder, Sumerian Economic Texts"
reviewed in Bibbia e Oriente 5, pp. 117-118.
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"1 Re 18, 20"
Bibbia e Oriente 5, pp. 10-13.
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"1 Sam. 13, 1"
Bibbia e Oriente 5, p. 29.
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Cuneiform Copies in A. Goetze "Esarhaddon's Inscriptions from the Inanna Temple in Nippur"
JCS 17, pp. 124-127.
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"Due note ai testi accadici di Ugarit"
Oriens Antiquus 2, pp. 223-228.
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"The Enthronement of the king and the Capital City in Texts from Ancient Mesopotamia and Syria"
Studies Oppenheim,
Chicago: University of Chicago; pp. 54-61
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The Amorites of the Ur III Period
Ricerche, Volume I.
Napoli: Istituto Orientale, pp. XVIII-380, Plates XIV.
Full text: Part 1
Full text: Part 2

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Review of Huffmon, Amorite Personal Names
in Journal of the American Oriental Society 86/2, pp. 230-233
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"Archaeological Survey of the Palmyrene and the Jebel Bishri"
Archaeology 20, pp. 305-306 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Bibbia e Oriente"
Studi Rinaldi Genova, pp. 267-272.
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Cities and Nations of Ancient Syria
Studi Semitici, 26.
Roma: Istituto di Studi del Vicino Oriente, pp. 264.
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Studi sull'Oriente e la Bibbia offerti al P. Giovanni Rinaldi (editor)
Published in part as Diakonia tou Logou - Bibbia e Oriente 8, 1966, pp. 147-236.
Genova: Studi e Vita. pp. 390, Plates XII.
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"An Interpretation of the Akkadian Stative as a Nominal Sentence"
Journal of Near Eastern Studies 27, (1968), pp. 1-12.
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Cuneiform Texts from Nippur: The Eighth and Ninth Season
University of Chicago. With Robert D. Biggs. pp. X-42.
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Review of Leichty, Bibliography
in Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 28, pp. 143-144.
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Review of Soggin, Das Königtum in Israel
in Oriens Antiquus, 8, pp. 175-77.
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Review of Castellino, Mitologia sumerico-accadica
in Review of Bookspp. 165-166.
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"The 1968 Excavation at Korucutepe near Elâziǧ"
Turk Arkeoloji Dergisi 17, (1968), pp. 72-82 (with Maurits Van Loon).
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"The University of Chicago-University of California Excavations at Korucutepe 1968"
METU Keban Project Publications I/1
Ankara: Summer work, pp. 73-102, Pls. 17, Chart 1 (with Maurits Van Loon).
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"Imparati, I Hurriti"
reviewed in Oriens, 23-24, p. 492.
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"Ma sua moglie guardo indietro ... (Gen. 19, 26)"
Bibbia e Oriente 13, p. 226 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Jucquois, Phonétique comparée" reviewed in Oriens Antiquus 10, pp. 79-83.
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"Pennacchietti, Pronomi Determinativi"
reviewed in Journal of the American Oriental Society 92, pp. 296-297.
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"Salvini, Nairi e Uruatri"
reviewed in Journal of the American Oriental Society, 92, pp. 297-298.
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"On The Use of the Akkadian Infinitive after ša or Construct State"
Journal of Semitic Studies 17, pp. 1-29.
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"Gilgamesh in chiave sapienziale: L'umiltà dell'anti-eroe"
Oriens Antiquus 11, pp. 1-36.
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"Il Dialogo del Pessimismo: la scienza degli opposti come ideale sapienziale"
Oriens Antiquus 11, pp. 81-100.
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"La Teodicea: condanna dell'abulia politica"
Oriens Antiquus 11, pp. 161-178.
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Le Beatitudini sullo sfondo della tradizione sapienziale mesopotamica
Bibbia e Oriente 14, pp. 241-64.
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"Kraus, Alt-Babylonische Briefe 4"
reviewed in Oriens Antiquus 11, pp. 147-152.
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Approaches to the Study of the Ancient Near East: Gelb Volume
Roma: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, pp. 338, Plates II.
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"Methodological Concerns and the Progress of Ancient Near Eastern Studies"
Gelb Volume, Rome, pp. 9-20.
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"Adapa, Genesis and the Notion of Faith"
Ugarit Forschungen 5, pp. 61-66.
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Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. I/1
reviewed in International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 2, pp. 245-248.
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"The Institute of Archaeology-Foreword"
The Institute of Archaeology, UCLA: First Annual Report, pp. 1-4.
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"The Institute of Archaeology"
Archaeology at UCLA 1/3.
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"Korucutepe Excavations"
Ibid., pp. 24-25.

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Looking for Dilmun
reviewed in Bibliographical Leaflets on Archaeology
The Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
, Near East 2

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"Foreword, Research Collaboration Group" and (with R. Clayton) "Audio-Visual Modules in Archaeology"
The Institute of Archaeology UCLA: Second Annual Report, pp. 1-5, 22-23, 30-32.

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The 'Urban Revolution' in a Socio-Political Perspective
San Francisco: Preprint papers, IX Congress of the International Conference for Historical Sciences.
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"Toward a formal Typology of Akkadian Similes"
Kramer Volume pp. 59-70.
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"On the 'Attributive' Genitive in Akkadian"
Afroasiatic Linguistics 3, pp. 19-27
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"The Case Against the Alleged Akkadian Plural Morpheme -ānu"
Afroasiatic Linguistics 3 (1976) pp. 28-30
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For Thorkild Jacobsen on his Seventy-Second Birthday
Mesopotamia 12, p. 17.
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"The «Urban Revolution» in a Socio-Political Perspective"
Mesopotamia 12, pp. 19-39.
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"'Apirū and Munnabtūtu – The Stateless of the First Cosmopolitan Age"
Journal of Near Eastern Studies 36, pp. 145-147.
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"New Archaeological Harvests from Syria"
Published as a pamphlet by Ambassador College, Pasadena and translated into Arabic by the Museum of Deir ez-Zor; with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, pp. 1-8.
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"Syro-Mesopotamian Studies: A Preface"
Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 1/1, pp. 1-2 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Hester, Heizer and Graham, Field Methods of Archaeology"
reviewed in Bibliographical Leaflets in Archaeology G7

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"Vernant et al., Divination et Rationalite'"
reviewed in Oriens Antiquus 16, pp. 239-241

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The Old Babylonian Linguistic Analysis Project: Goals, Procedures and First Results
Proceeding of the International Conference of Computational Linguistics, pp. 385-404.
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The Terqa Archaelogical Project: First Preliminary Report
Annales Archaeologiques de Syrie 27-28, pp. 71-96.
with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati
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Terqa Preliminary Report No. 1: "Report on the Second Season of Excavations with a Review of Earlier Work at the Site"
Syro-Mesopotamian Studies pp. 1-47 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccelati).
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Terqa Preliminary Report, No.2: "A Cuneiform Tablet from the Early Second Millennium B.C."
Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 1.4, pp. 1-8.
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"The 'Urban Revolution' in a Socio-Political Perspective"
Mesopotamia 12, pp. 19-39
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IIMAS Field Encoding Manual (Non-digital)
Aids and Research Tools in Ancient Near Eastern Studies 2. pp. 52
Malibu: Undena Publications.
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"Terqa Preliminary Report, No. 6: The Third Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record"
Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 2/6, pp. 1-36, Plates XIV (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Prolegomena to a System of Akkadian Stylistics"
Working Paper for "Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Cuneiform Literature" Panel for AOS Meeting in Toronto, March 1978.
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"Comparative Graphemic Analysis of Old Babylonian and Western Akkadian"
Schaeffer Festschrift
Ugarit-Forschungen 11, Neukirchen, pp. 89-100
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"Terqa Preliminary Report, 10: The Fourth Season--Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record"
Bibliotheca Mesopotamica (1979) 10, pp. 88, Figures 23, Plates XXVIII
Malibu: Undena Publications.
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"The Jewels of Ninkarrak"
Archaelogy at UCLA, p. 4 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Gitans et Hapiru : la question des Hapiru du point de vue du développment politique de la Syrie ancienne"
Paper delivered at the International Colloquium of Ugaritic Studies, Lattakia, October 1979.
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"Principles of Stylistic Analysis"
in Y.D. Arbeitmann and A.R. Bomhard (eds), Bono Homini Donum: Essays in Memory of J.A. Kerns,
Amsterdam: Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science 4, pp. 807-836.
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"Stratigraphic Sections"
in B.D. Dillon (ed.), The Student's Guide to Archaeological Illustrating, Archaeological Research Tools, Vol. 1, Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (UCLA), pp. 51-64.
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"The Origin of Writing and the Beginning of History"
in Giorgio Buccellati and Charles Speroni (eds), The Shape of the Past: Studies in Honor of Franklin D. Murphy, Los Angeles: Institute of Archaeology and Office of the Chancellor, pp. 3-13.
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The Shape of the Past: Studies in Honor of Franklin D. Murphy
Los Angeles: Institute of Archaeology and Office of the Chancellor, pp. xii-322. (Co-edited with Charles Speroni)

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"Wisdom and Not: The Case of Mesopotamia"
Oriental Wisdom (ed. J.M. Sasson) Journal of the American Oriental Society 101, pp. 35-47.
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"Asphalt in Carbon-14-dated Arcaheological Samples from Terqa, Syria"
Nature 295/5849, pp. 1-3 (with M.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linick and H.E. Suess).
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"Introduction", "Computer-Aided Analysis of Mesopotamian Materials", "Terqa Archaeological Project"
The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, pp. 1-3.

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"Studies in Ebla Graphemics, 1"
in Studi eblaiti 5 (1982) pp. 39-74.
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"Terqa 7"
Archaeology at UCLA, p. 4 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha?"
Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 4/3, pp. 1-7.
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"Allocution du representant des participants"
Symposium International: Histoire de Deir ez-Zur et ses Antiquités, Damascus, pp. 21-23.
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"Computer Aided Research in Near Eastern Studies: An Introduction"
CARNES: Computer Aided Research in Near Eastern Studies 1/1, pp. 1-2 (with Olivier Rouault).
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"Terqa Preliminary Report, No. 12: Digital Plotting of Archaeological Floor Plans"
CARNES: Computer Aided Research in Near Eastern Studies 1/1, pp. 3-40 (with Olivier Roualt).
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"Terqa: The First Eight Seasons"
Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 33/2, pp. 47-67 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text (only first four pages)

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"The Scribes of Terqa"
Archaeology at UCLA 2/14 (November 1983), pp. 1-4 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati and Mario Liverani).
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in Olivier Rouault, L'Archive de Puzurum
"Terqa Final Reports" Vol. 1 (Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 16), pp. vii-xviii
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"Boardman, John et al. (eds) 19822, The Cambridge Ancient History"
Vol. 3/1 (The Prehistory of the Balkans; and the Middle East and the Aegean World, Tenth to Eighth Centuries B.C.), New York: Cambridge University Press;
reviewed in The American Historical Review 89/4 (October 1984), pp. 1054-1055.
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in Claudio Saporetti 1984, The Middle Assyrian Laws
Cybernetica Mesopotamica, "Graphemic Categorization" Vol. 2, Malibu: Undena Publications, pp. 1-20.
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"Terqa and the Kingdom of Khana"
in Harvey Weiss (ed.) 1985, Ebla to Damascus. Art and Archaeology of Ancient Syria, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, pp. 217-222 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Computer Projects"
Backdirt 1 (Spring 1986), p. 3.
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"Analyzing Assyrian Palace Reliefs"
review of: Leo Bersani and Ulysse Dutoit 1985, The Forms of Violence. Narrative in Assyrian Art and Modern Culture,
New York: Schocken"
reviewed in Los Angeles Times, March 3, 1986, Part V, p. 4.
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"The Glory of Ancient Syria"
Terra. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Part 1: 24/4 (March-April 1986), Part 2: 24/5 (May-June 1986), pp. 6-14 and 22-29 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text (Part 1)
Full text (Part 2)

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"On the Distribution of Epigraphic Finds at Terqa"
Annales Archéologiques Arabes de Syrie 36-37, pp. 102-106.
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"Ancient Syria: Introduction"
BASOR (Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research) 270 (May 1988), pp. 1-2.
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"Architectural, Stratigraphic and Typological Recording in Archaeology"
SN/G: Report on Data Processing Projects in Art 100, Pisa and Los Angeles: Scuola Normale Superiore and Getty AHIP, pp. 418-420.
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in K. Simpson, Qraya Modular Reports, No. 1: Early Soundings,
SMS: Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 4/4, Malibu: Undena Publications, pp. 3-7 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"The Kingdom and Period of Khana"
BASOR (Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research) 270 (May 1988), pp. 43-61.
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"Review of: Eph'al, Israel 1982, The Ancient Arabs: Nomads on the Borders of the Fertile Crescent, 9th-5th Centuries B.C., Jerusalem, Leiden: Magnes, Brill",
reviewed in The American Historical Review 93/3 (June 1988), pp. 673-674.
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"Mozan 1. The Soundings of the First Two Seasons"
Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 20, pp. 158, pls. XXIV (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati), Malibu: Undena Publications.
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"The 'State' of the Stative"
in Y.L. Arbeitman (ed.), Fucus. A Semitic/Afrasian Gathering in Remembrance of Albert Ehrman,
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 58, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 153-189 [ISSN 0304-0763 1 ISBN 90 272 3552 X].
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"Gilgamesh and Enkidu: The First Encounter (The Old Babylonian Pennsylvania Tablet)"
Preliminary Draft, November 1988.
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in K. Simpson 1988, Qraya Modular Reports 1: Soundings 1977-79 and 1984-85,
SMS: Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 4/4, Malibu: Undena Publications, pp. 3-7 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Cybernetica Mesopotamica"
in E.M. Cook (ed.) 1990, Sopher Mahir: Northwest Semitic Studies presented to Stanislav Segert,
MAARAV. A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures 5-6 (Spring 1990), pp. 23-32 [ISSN 0149-5712].
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"Review of: Pitard, Wayne T. 1987, Ancient Damascus: A Historical Study of the Syrian City-State from Earliest Times until its Fall to the Assyrians in 732 B.C.E., Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns"
reviewed in E.M. Cook (ed.) 1990, Sopher Mahir: Northwest Semitic Studies presented to Stanislav Segert,
MAARAV. A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures 5-6 (Spring 1990), p. 141 [ISSN 0149-5712]. Full text

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"The Ebla Electronic Corpus: Graphemic Analysis"
in Actes du Colloque International de l'Histoire et l'Archéologie de Mohafazat d'Idlib, Idlib 25-28 September 1989 = Les Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 40, pp. 8-26.
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"Experiments in Salt Production at Tell Qraya"
in Syrian Archaeology Bulletin (1990), pp. 9-10.
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"From Khana to Laqe: The End of Syro-Mesopotamia"
in Ö. Tunca (ed.) 1990, De la Babylonie à la Syrie, en passant par Mari. Mélanges offerts à Monsieur J.-R. Kupper à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Liège: Université de Liège, pp. 229-253.
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"On Poetry -- Theirs and Ours"
in Tzvi Abusch, John Huehnergard and Piotr Steinkeller (eds) 1990, Lingering over Words: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of William L. Moran, Harvard Semitic Studies 37, Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, pp. 105-134.
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"'River Bank,' 'High Country' and 'Pasture Land': The Growth of Nomadism on the Middle Euphrates and the Khabur"
in Seyyare Eichler, Markus Wäfler and David Warburton (eds) 1990, Tell al-Ḥamīdīyah 2, Freiburg; Göttingen: Universitäsverlag; Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, pp. 87-117.
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"The Rural Landscape of the Ancient Zor: The Terqa Evidence"
in Bernard Geyer (ed.) 1990, Techniques et pratiques hydro-agricoles traditionnelles en domaine irrigué. Approche pluridisciplinaire des modes de culture avant la motorisation en Syrie,
Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 86, Paris: Geuthner, Tome I, pp. 155-169.
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"Salt at the Dawn of History: The Case of the Bevelled Rim Bowls"
in Paolo Matthiae, Maurits N. van Loon and Harvey Weiss (eds) 1990, Resurrecting the Past. A Joint Tribute to Adnan Bounni, Publications de l'Institut historique-archéologique néderlandais de Stamboul 67, Leiden: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, pp. 17-40.
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"Tell Mozan"
in Syrian Archaeology Bulletin (1990), pp. 4-7 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Tell Ziyada"
in Syrian Archaeology Bulletin 1990, pp. 7-9 (with Stephen Reimer).
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Mozan: Soundings on the High Mound During The First Two Season
Photographic Data Sets 1, IIMAS, Malibu: Undena Publications (edited with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati; with "Introduction", pp. 1-15).
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Ziyada: The Early Seasons
Photographic Data Sets 2, IIMAS, Malibu: Undena Publications (edited by Giorgio Buccellati; with "Introduction", pp. 1-6).
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Mozan: The Ceramics of the First Five Seasons
Photographic Data Sets 3, IIMAS, Malibu: Undena Publications (edited with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati & William R. Shelby; with "Introduction", pp. 1-3).
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"Mozan: The Artifacts from Temple BA"
Photographic Data Sets 4 IIMAS, pp. 1-5 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati)
Malibu: Undena Publications.
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American Journal of Archaeology 95, pp. 712-714 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati)
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"Tell Ziyada: The First Three Seasons of Excavation (1988-1990): Introduction"
in M. Fortin (ed.) 1991, Lost Civilizations of the Desert: Recent Archaeological Research in Third Millennium Syria = Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 21 (May 1991), pp. 31-61 (with Daniela Buia and Stephen Reimer).
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in Lucio Milano 1991, Mozan 2. The Epigraphic Finds of the Sixth Season, Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 5/1, Malibu: Undena Publications, pp. 3-9 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"A Note on the muškēnum as a 'Homesteader'"
in R.J. Ratner et al. (eds) 1991, Let Your Colleagues Praise You: Studies in Memory of Stanley Gevirtz, MAARAV. A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures 7, pp. 91-100 [published 1993].
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in William Bright (ed. in chief) 19922, International Encyclopedia of Linguistics,
New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, Vol. 1 (AAVE-ESPE), pp. 39-42.
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"Ebla and the Amorites"
in C.H. Gordon, G.A. Rendsburg (eds) 1992, Eblaitica: Essays on the Ebla Archives and Eblaite Language (Vol. III), Eblaitica 3, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, pp. 83-104.
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"The Ebla Electronic Corpus: Onomastic Analysis"
in C.H. Gordon, G.A. Rendsburg (eds) 1992, Eblaitica: Essays on the Ebla Archives and Eblaite Language (Vol. III), Eblaitica 3, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, pp. 107-128.
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"Through a Tablet Darkly. A Reconstruction of Old Akkadian Monuments Described in Old Babylonian Copies"
in Mark E. Cohen, Daniel C. Snell and David B. Weisberg (eds) 1993, The Tablet and the Scroll. Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William W. Hallo, Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press, pp. 58-71.
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"Gli Amorrei e l''addomesticamento' della steppa"
in Olivier Rouault and Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault (eds) 1993, L'Eufrate e il tempo. Le civiltà del medio Eufrate e della Gezira siriana, Milano: Electa, pp, 67-69 [ISBN 88-435-4438-1].
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American Journal of Archaeology 98, pp. 131-133 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"The Kudurrus as Monuments"
in Hermann Gasche et al. (eds) 1994, Cinquante-deux reflexions sur le Proche-Orient ancien offertes en hommage a Leon de Meyer, Mesopotamian History and Environement. Occasional Publications 2, Louvain: Peeters, pp. 283-291.
Full text

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"Mozan: Tales from a Hurrian (?) Storehouse, 2300 BC"
in Backdirt. Newsletter of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology 98 (Spring 1994), 1, 4-5 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Eblaite and Amorite Names"
in Ernst Eichler, Gerold Hilty, Heinrich Loeffler, Hugo Steger, Ladislav Zgusta (eds) 1995, Namenforschung. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Onomastik/Name Studies. An International Handbook of Onomastics/Les noms propres. Manuel international d'onomastique,
Berlin-New York: de Gruyter, pp. 856-860.
Full text

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"On Christic polytheism and Christian monotheism"
Communio: International Catholic Review 22 (Spring 1995), pp. 113-138.
Full text

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"Ethics and Piety in the Ancient Near East"
in Jack M. Sasson (ed. in chief) 1995, CANE: Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, New York: Scribner, Vol. III, pp. 1685-1696.
Full text

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"Mōzān (Tall)"
in D.O. Edzard (ed. in chief) 1995, Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 8 (5/6: Moab-Musik), pp. 386-393 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text
Online version

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"The Identification of Urkesh with Tell Mozan (Syria)"
Orient-Express 1995/3 (December), cover page and pp. 67-70 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh: The Glyptic Evidence from the Southwestern Wing"
Archiv für Orientforschung 42-43 (1995-1996), pp. 1-32 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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A Structural Grammar of Babylonian
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. xxxiv, 512.
Front matter and Introduction

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"The Role of Socio-Political Factors in the Emergence of 'Public' and 'Private' Domains in Early Mesopotamia"
in Michael Hudson and Baruch A. Levine (eds) 1996, Privatization in the Ancient Near East and Classical World,
Volume 1 in a Series by The International Scholars Conference on ancient Near Eastern Economics. A Colloquium held at New York University, November 17-18, 1994,
Peabody Museum Bulletin 5, Cambridge, MA: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, cover page and pp. 129-151 [ISBN 0-87365-955-4].
Full text

Back to top
"Mesopotamian Magic as a Mythology and Ritual of Fate: Structural Correlations with Biblical Religion"
in Sara J. Denning-Bolle and Edwin Gerow (eds) 1996, The Persistence of Religions. Essays in Honor of Kees W. Bolle,
Other Realities 9, Malibu: Undena Publications, pp. 185-196.

Full text

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"The Seals of the King of Urkesh: Evidence from the Western Wing of the Royal Storehouse AK"
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 86, pp. 65-100, pls I-VII (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Religious vows and the structure of love"
Communio: International Catholic Review 23 (Fall 1996), pp. 562-578.
Full text

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in Jane Turner (ed. in chief) 1996, The Dictionary of Art, London; New York: Macmillan; Grove, Vol. 1 (A to Anckerman), p. 795.
Full text

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"Review of: Anbar, Moshe 1991, Les tribus amurrites de Mari, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 108, Freiburg; Göttingen; Universitätsverlag; Vandenhoek & Ruprecht"
reviewed in Archiv für Orientforschung 42/43 (1995-1996), pp. 233-234.
Full text

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"Syria in the Bronze Age"
in W.G. Dever, C.L. Meyers, J.D. Muhly, D. Pardee, J.A. Sauer (eds.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archeology in the Near East, Vol. 5, New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 126-131.
Full text

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"Mozan, Tell"
in Eric M. Meyers (ed. in chief) 1997, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, Vol. 4, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 60-64 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Syria in the Bronze Age"
in Eric M. Meyers (ed. in chief) 1997, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, Vol. 5, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 126-131.
Full text

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in Eric M. Meyers (ed. in chief) 1997, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, Vol. 5, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 188-190 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Una manciata di secoli"
Bollettino dell'Associazione Archelogica Ticinese 9, pp. 16-23 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Urkesh. The First Hurrian Capital"
Biblical Archaeologist 60, pp. 77-96 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Akkadian and Amorite Phonology"
in Alan S. Kaye (ed.) 1997, Phonologies of Asia and Africa (Including the Caucasus). Volume 1, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, pp. 1-37 (Chapter 1).
Full text

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in Rovert Hetzron (ed.) 1997, The Semitic Languages, London, New York: Routledge, pp. 69-99 (Chapter 5).
Full text

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"The Seventh Season of Excavations at Tell Mozan, 1992"
Chronique Archéologique en Syrie 1, pp. 79-84 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati),
Full text

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to Pagan, Joseph Martin 1998, A Morphological and Lexical Study of Personal Names in the Ebla Texts, ARES 3, Roma: Missione Archeologica Italiana in Siria, pp. i-iii.
Full text

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"Ascension, Parousia, and the Sacred Heart: Structural Correlations"
Communio: International Catholic Review 25 (Spring 1998), pp. 69-103.
Full text

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Urkesh and the Hurrians. Studies in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen
Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 26, Malibu: Undena Publications (editor with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Review of: J. Aviram & H. Shanks (eds) 1996, Archaeology's Publication Problems, Washington, D.C.: Biblical Archaeology Society"
reviewed in Near Eastern Archaeology 61/2, pp. 118-120.
Full text

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"The Courtiers of the Queen of Urkesh: Glyptic Evidence from the Western Wing of the Royal Storehouse AK"
Subartu 4/2, pp. 195-216 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Das archäologische Projekt Tall Mozan/Urkeš"
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 131, pp. 7-16 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh"
in Michel Fortin (ed.), Syria, Land of Civilizations, Quebec: Musée de la Civilization, p. 170.

Full text

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"Urkesh and the Question of Early Hurrian Urbanism"
in Michael Hudson and Baruch A. Levine (eds) 1999, Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East,
Volume 2 in a Series sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Long-term Economic Trends and the International Scholars Conference on Ancient Near Eastern Economies. A Colloquium held at New York University, November 1996 and The oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 1997,
Peabody Museum Bulletin 7, Cambridge, MA: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, pp. 229-250 (Chapter 6).
Full text

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"Urkesh: archeologia, conservazione e restauro"
Kermes 13, pp. 41-48.
Full text

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"On Poetry and Friendship: Linear and Tensional Elements in the Old Babylonian Episode of Gilgamesh and Enkidu"
in Paola Negri Scafa and Paolo Gentili (eds) 2000, Donum Natalicium. Studi in onore di Claudio Saporetti in occasione del suo 60° compleanno, Roma: Borgia, pp. 63-76.
Full text

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"The Royal Palace of Urkesh. Report on the 12th Season at Tell Mozan/Urkesh: Excavations in Area AA, June-October 1999"
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 132, pp. 133-183 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"In Search of Hurrian Urkesh. City of Myth"
Archaeology Odyssey 4, pp. 16-27 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Überlegungen zur funktionellen und historischen Bestimmung des Königspalastes AP in Urkesch. Bericht über die 13. Kampagne in Tall Mozan/Urkesch: Ausgrabungen im Gebiet AA, Juni-August 2000"
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 133, pp. 59-96 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text (German
Full text (English)

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"Review of: Sallaberger, Walther 2001, 'Wenn Du mein Bruder bist, ...' Interaktion und Textgestaltung in altbabylonischen Alltagsbriefen, Cuneiform Monographs 16 Gröningen: Styx"
reviewed in Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 92/2, pp. 303-305.
Full text

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"Review of: Hämeen-Anttila, Jaakko 2002, A Sketch of Neo-Assyrian Grammar, State Archives of Assyria Studies 13, Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project"
reviewed in Journal of the American Oriental Society 122/4, pp. 874–875.
Full text

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"Beyond Clay and Beyond Paper"
Backdirt. Newsletter of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (Fall 2002-Winter 2003), pp. 4-5.
Full text

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"Tar'am-Agade, Daughter of Naram-Sin, at Urkesh"
in L. al-Gailani Werr, J. Curtis, H. Martin, A. McMahon, J. Oates and J. Reade (eds) 2002, Of Pots and Plans. Papers on the Archaeology and History of Mesopotamia and Syria presented to David Oates in Honour of his 75th Birthday,
London: Nabu Publications, pp. 11-31 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Die Große Schnittstelle. Bericht über die 14. Kampagne in Tall Mozan/Urkeš: Ausgrabungen im Gebiet AA, Juni-Oktober 2001"
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 134, pp. 103-130 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"A LU E School Tablet from the Service Quarter of the Royal Palace AP at Urkesh"
Journal of Cuneiform Studies 55, pp. 45-48.
Full text

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"Review of: Geyer, Bernad (ed.) 2001, Conquête de la steppe et appropriation des terres sur les marges arides du Croissant fertile, Traveaux de la Maison de l'Orient Meditérranéen 36, Lyon: Maison de l'Orient Meditérranéen - Jean Pouilloux"
reviewed in Archiv für Orientforschung, 50 (2003/2004), pp. 455-457.
Full text

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"Bericht über die 15. Kampagne in Tell Mozan/Urkeš, August-September 2002"
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 135.

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"Conservation at the Core of Archaeological Stategy. The Case of Ancient Urkesh at Tell Mozan"
Conservation. The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter 18/1, pp. 18-21 (with Sophie Bonetti)
Full text

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"Il cimento dell'estro e della ragione: la dimensione scribale della cosiddetta 'Teodicea Babilonese'"
in Semitic and Assyriological Studies Presented to Pelio Fronzaroli by Pupils and Colleagues,
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 97-104. Full text

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Tell Mozan (Ancient Urkesh)"
in Joan Aruz and Ronald Wallenfels (eds) 2003, Art of the First Cities. The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus, New York; New Haven and London: The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Yale University Press, pp. 224-227 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Sacramentality and Culture"
Communio: International Catholic Review 30 (Winter 2003), pp. 1-48.
Full text

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"Il secondo millennio nella memoria epica di Giuda e Israele"
Rivista Teologica di Lugano 9/3, pp. 521-543.
Full text

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"Review of: Hilgert, Markus 2002, Akkadisch in der Ur III Zeit, Imgula 5, Münster: Rhema"
reviewed in Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 94, pp. 106-108.
Full text

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"Review of: Anonymus (ed.) 2000, La civiltà dei Hurriti, La Parola del passato. Rivista di studi antichi 55, Napoli: Macchiaroli"
reviewed in Die Welt des Orients 34, pp. 209-214.
Full text

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"Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkeš und die stratigraphische Geschichte des ābi"
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 136, pp. 13-39 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Present at Creation"
Backdirt. Newsletter of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (Spring/Summer 2004), pp. 1-4.
Full text

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"The Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh. Report on the 16th Season of Excavations, July-September 2003"
in David D. Owen and Gernot Wilhelm (eds) 2005, General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 11/1, Studies in the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians 15, Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, pp. 3-28.
Full text

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"Naming Names: the 2004 Season of Excavations at Ancient Urkesh"
Backdirt. Newsletter of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (Spring/Summer 2005), pp. 2-4 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center"
Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 47, pp. 27-59 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"The Perception of Function and the Prehistory of the State in Syro-Mesopotamia"
in Brian D. Dillon and Matthew A. Boxt (eds) 2005, Archaeology Without Limits, Papers in Honor of Clement W. Meighan, Holline Court, lancaster, California: Labyrinthos, pp. 481-492.
Full text

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"Conservation qua Archaeology at Tell Mozan/Urkesh"
in Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland (eds) 2006, Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation. Proceedings of the Conservation Theme at the 5th World Archaeological Congress, Washington D.C. 22-26 June 2003, Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, pp. 73-81.
Full text

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"The Prophetic Dimension of Joseph"
Communio: International Catholic Review 33 (Spring 2006), pp. 44-99.
Full text

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"Review of: Bernard Geyer and Jean-Yves Montchambert 2003, La basse vallée de l'Euphrate Syrien du néolithique à l'avènement de l'Islam: Géographie, archéologie et histoire, 2 vols., Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 166: Mission Archéologique de Mari 6, Beyrouth: Institut Français du Proche-Orient"
reviewed in American Journal of Archaeology 110/3, pp. 511-513.
Full text

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"On (e)-tic and -emic"
Backdirt. Newsletter of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (Winter 2006), pp. 12-13.
Full text

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"Presentation and Interpretation of Archaeological Sites: the Case of Tell Mozan, Ancient Urkesh"
in Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland (eds) 2006, Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation. Proceedings of the Conservation Theme at the 5th World Archaeological Congress, Washington D.C. 22-26 June 2003, Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, pp. 152-156.
Full text

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"An Archaeologist on Mars"
in Seymour Gitin, J. Edward Wright and J.P. Dessel (eds) 2006, Confronting the Past. Archaeological and Historical Essays on Ancient Israel in Honor of William G. Dever, Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, pp. 17-21.
Full text

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"A Browser Edition of the Royal Palace of Urkesh: Principles and Presuppositions"
in P. Butterlin, M. Lebeau, J.-Y. Montchambert, J.L. Mntero Fenollós and B. Muller (eds) 2006, Les espaces Syro-Mésopotamiens. Dimensions de l'experience humaine au Proche-Orient ancient. Volume d'hommage offert à Jean-Claude Margueron, Subartu 17, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 49-55.
Full text

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"Between Heaven and Hell in Ancient Urkesh"
Backdirt. Newsletter of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (2007), pp. 68-73 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"Non-linear Archaeology"
Backdirt. Newsletter of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (2007), pp. 37-39.
Full text

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"Qurayya, Tall"
in M.P. Streck (ed. in chief) 2007, Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie, 11:3/4 (Qaṭṭunān - Religion. A), Berlin: de Gruyter, p. 207 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

Online version

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"Yahweh, the Trinity: The Old Testament Catechumenate"
Communio. International Catholic Review 34, pp. 38-75 and 292-327.
Full text:  Part One  –  Part Two

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"Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland"
Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 175/2, pp. 141-151 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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in Rick Hauser 2007, Reading Figurines. Animal Represenations in Terra Cotta from Royal Building AK, Urkesh/Mozan Studies 5 (= ARTANES 6): Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 28, Malibu: Undena Publications, pp. xvii-xxiii.
Full text

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"The Origins of the Tribe in Syro-Mesopotamia"
in Hans Barnard and Willeke Wendrich (eds) 2008, The Archaeology of Mobility. Old World and New World Nomadism, Cotsen Advanced Seminars 4, Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, pp. 141-159.
Full text

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"The Ceramics of Urkesh: Statistics for a Browser Edition"
in Dominik Bonatz, Rainer M. Czichon and F. Janoscha Kreppner (eds) 2008, Fundstellen. Gesammelte Schriften zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altvorderasiens ad honorem Hartmut Kühne, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp. 315-326 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"An Architectural 'Logogram' at Urkesh?"
in Paola Negri Scafa and Salvatore Viaggio (eds) 2009, Dallo Stirone al Tigri. Dal Tevere all'Eufrate. Studi in onore di Claudio Saporetti, Roma: Aracne, pp. 23-29.
Full text

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"Value and Equivalence: The Role of Monetheism in Early Economic Systems"
Communio: International Catholic Review 36 (Fall 2009); pp. 427-446.
Full text

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"The Great Temple Terrace at Urkesh and the Lions of Tish-atal"
in Gernot Wilhelm (ed.) 2009, General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 11/2 in Honor of David I. Owen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, October 28, 2005, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians 18,
Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, pp. 33-69 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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"The Semiotics of Ethnicity: The Case of Hurrian Urkesh"
in Jeanette C. Fincke (ed.) 2010, Festschrift für Gernot Wilhelm anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages am 28. Januar 2010, Dresden: ISLET, pp. 79-90.
Full text

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"The Urkesh Temple Terrace: Function and Perception"
in Jörg Becker, Ralph Hempelmann and Ellen Rehm (eds) 2010, Kulturlandschaft Syrie: Zentrum und Peripherie. Festschrift für Jan-Waalke Meyer, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, pp. 87-121.
Full text

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"The Question of Digital Thought"
in Tatiana M. Nikolaeva (ed.) 2010, Studies in Linguistics and Semiotics. A Festschrift for Vyacheslav V. Ivanov, Moscow: Languages Slavic Cultures, pp. 46-55.
Full text

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"Digital Edition and Graphemic Analysis of the Ebla Texts"
in Lucio Milano 2011, Archivi Reali di Ebla (ARED), Digital Edition 1,
Cybernetica Mesopotamica CD 4, Malibu: Undena Publications.
Full text

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"Giorgio Buccellati Receives Newly Established Award"
Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (2011), p. 11.
Full text

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"Public Impact"
Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (2011), p. 102.
Full text

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«Quando in alto i cieli...». La spiritualità mesopotamica a confronto con quella biblica,
Milano: Jaca Book, pp. XXVI-323 (with Preface by Marta Cartabia).
Publisher's notice
Companion website

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"Coerenza e storia. La Mesopotamia nell'ottica storiografica di «Ordine e Storia»: Istituzioni politiche, trasmissione del pensiero e percezione dell'assoluto"
in Giorgio Buccellati, Ignacio Carbajosa, Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Massimo Marassi, Peter J. Opitz, Nicoletta Scotti Muth and Giulia Sfameni Gasparro (eds) 2012, Prima della filosofia. Dinamiche dell'esperienza nei regni dell'Antico Oriente e in Israele. Atti del convegno internazionale “Linee di significato e Prospettive di ricerca in Ordine e Storia di Eric Voegelin”, I. Israele e la rivelazione. Milano, 20-21 gennaio 2011, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico. Studi e testi 127, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, pp. 113-122.
Full text

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"Aten in Amurru?"
in Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Daniele Morandi Bonaccossi, Cinzia Pappi and Simonetta Ponchia (eds) 2012, Leggo! Studies Presented to Frederick Mario Fales on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 95-98.
Full text

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"The Floodwaters of Urkesh and the Structural Coherence of the Urkesh Temple Complex"
in Philippe Quenet and Michel al-Maqdissi (eds) 2012, «L'Heure immobile». Entre Ciel Et Terre. Mélanges en l'Honneur d'Antoine Souleiman, Subartu 31, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 21-33.
Full text

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"Towards a Linguistic Model for Archaeology"
Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale 106/1, p. 37-43.
Full text

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"La Trinità in un'ottica mesopotamica"
Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica 104, p. 29-48.
Full text

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"Trinity spermatiké: The Veiled Perception of a Pagan World"
Part 1: Communio 39 (2012) pp. 594-640
Part 2: Communio 40 (2013) pp. 99-131
Full text: Part 1
Full text: Part 2

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Alle origini della politica. La formazione e la crescita dello stato in Siro-Mesopotamia,
Milano: Jaca Book, pp. xxviii-354.
Publisher's notice

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"The History of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology as a Research Paradigm"
Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA (2013), pp. 14-20.
Full text

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"When Were the Hurrians Hurrian? The Persistence of Ethnicity in Urkesh"
in Joan Aruz, Sarah B. Graff and Yelena Rakic (eds) 2013, Cultures in Contact: From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C., New York; New Haven: The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Yale University Press, pp. 84-95.
Full text

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"Conquista del tempo ed evento assoluto: per una semiotica dei calendari mesopotamico e biblico" in Silvano Petrosino (ed.) 2013, La festa. Raccogliersi, riconoscersi, smarrirsi, Milano: Jaca Book, pp. 25-35.
Full text

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"The threefold 'invention' of time: transcendental, transcendent, trans-temporal"
Euresis Journal 7, pp. 69-85.
Full text

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"... Nor North: The Urkesh Temple Terrace"
in Pascal Butterlin, Jean-Claude Margueron, Béatrice Muller, Michel Al-Maqdissi, Dominique Beyer and Antoine Cavigneaux (eds) 2014, Mari, ni Est, ni Ouest. Actes du colloque « Mari, ni Est ni Ouest » tenu les 20-22 octobre 2010 à Damas, Syrie, Syria. Supplément 2, Beirut: Institut français du Proche-Orient, pp. 441-461 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Full text

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Dal profondo del tempo: all'origine della comunicazione e della comunità nell'antica Siria,
Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina (with Preface by Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Publisher's notice
Full text

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Dal profondo del tempo: All'origine della comunicazione e della comunità nell'antica Siria (Arabic version),
Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina (with Preface by Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
Publisher's notice
Full text

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"Courage among the Ruins"
Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA (December 2014), pp. 102-112.
Full text

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"Nella storia, la compagnia del destino all'uomo"
in Emanuela Belloni and Alberto Savorana (eds) 2014, Le periferie dell'umano, Milano: Rizzoli, pp. 63-85 (with Ignacio Carbajosa).
Full text

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"Un'invasione profetica"
Tracce (February 2014), pp. 44-49.
Full text

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"L'archeologia come presenza morale a Tell Mozan in Siria"
Associazione archeologica Ticinese: Bollettino 27, pp. 20-25.
Full text

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"Tensional Factors and Compositional Analysis. Crossovers Between Linguistics and Art Criticism"
in Paola Ciafardoni and Deborah Giannessi (eds) 2015, From the Treasures of Syria. Essays on Art and Archaeology in Honour of Stefania Mazzoni, PIHANS 126, Leiden: Netherlands Institute for the Near East, pp. 289-298.
Full text

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"The Transcendental Revolution"
in H. Amstutz, A. Dorn, M. Müller, M. Ronsdorf and S. Uljas (eds) 2015, Fuzzy Boundaries. Festschrift für Antonio Loprieno, Vol. I, Hamburg: Widmaier, pp. 47-54.
Full text

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"Abramo e il desiderio di un 'noi' in armonia reciproca"
Il sussidiario 7/9/2015: Cultura.
Full text

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"The Digital Itinerary of the Ebla Texts"
in Paola Corò, Elena Devecchi, Nicla De Zorzi, and Massimo Maiocchi with the collaboration of Stefania Ermidoro and Erica Scarpa (eds) 2016, Libiamo ne' lieti calici. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Lucio Milano on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 436, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, pp. 703-719.
Full text

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"Urkesh: for a Semiotics of the Hurrian Sacred"
in Paolo Matthiae and Marta d'Andrea (eds), Ebla e la Siria dall'età del Bronzo all'età del Ferro, Atti dei Convegni Lincei 304, Roma: Bardi edizioni, pp. 117-135.
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"26. Tell Mozan/Urkesh (Hassake)"
in Youssef Kanjou and Akira Tsuneki (eds) 2016, A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites, London: Archaeopress, pp. 111-114 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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An Invitation to Tell Mozan, Ancient Urkesh. A multilingual guide to the site.,
Concept and Text by Giorgio Buccellati; Arabic version by Rasha Elendari; Kurdish by Ahmad Slivi and Ghiath Rammo; Project coordination by Stefania Ermidoro and Yasmine Mahmoud, Mozan: The Urkesh Press, pp. 72.
Copyright date: 2014, but printed in 2016
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"The Creation of the City of Man"
Communio. International Catholic Review 46, pp. 617-641.
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"The Dignity of the Dead. The Case of Ancient Urkesh and Modern Tell Mozan, Syria (2000-1600 BC)"
Paléorient 43/2, pp. 165-75 (with Arwa Kharobi).
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"Conserviamo il futuro"
Tracce (February 2017), pp. 26-29 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
"Dopo cinque anni, gli archeologi Giorgio e Marilyn Buccellati tornano nel Paese in guerra. E raccontano il lavoro coraggioso dei colleghi che rischiano (e a volte danno) la vita per salvarne la cultura. Perchè nel passato c'è la risposta alla violenza di oggi."
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"Community Archaeology 1984: At the Interface between Practice and Theory"
Backdirt. Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA (December 2017), pp. 34-38 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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A Critique of Archaeological Reason
Archaeological, Digital and Philosophical Aspects of the Excavated Record
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. xviii-392.
Publisher's notice – click on "Read Inside"
Front matter
Companion website

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Archaeology for a Young Future.
An Exhibit at the American University of Beirut
Mozan: The Urkesh Press, pp. 50 (with Yasmine Mahmoud).
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"Perceptual, Grammatical and Hermeneutical Dimensions of Digitality"
in Paolo Mastrandea (ed.) 2017, Strumenti digitali e collaborativi per le Scienze dell'Antichità, Antichistica 14, Venezia: Università Ca' Foscari, pp. 159-169.
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“Archaeology for a Young Future: The New Syrian Life of the Ancient City of Urkesh,”
Research Award 2017, pp. 227-243 (in English and Chinese).
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 2017 Shanghai Archaeology Forum (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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“Iconology in the Light of Archaeological Reason,”
in Pavel S. Avestisyan and Yervand H. Grekyan (eds), Bridging Times and Spaces: Papers in Ancient Near Eastern, Mediterranean and Armenian Studies: Honouring Gregory E. Areshian On the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 49-60 [eISBN: 978-1-78491-700-5].
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"A Children's Hermeneutics"
Backdirt. Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA (December 2018 = Celebrating Archaeology. Tributes to Lloyd Cotsen), pp. 32-37.
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I millenni per l'oggi. L'archeologia contro la guerra: Urkesh di ieri nella Siria di oggi,
Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina (with Stefania Ermidoro and Yasmine Mahmoud).
Publisher's notice
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I millenni per l'oggi. L'archeologia contro la guerra: Urkesh di ieri nella Siria di oggi (Arabic version),
Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina (with Stefania Ermidoro and Yasmine Mahmoud).
Publisher's notice
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The millennia for today. Archaeology agaist war: Yesterday's Urkesh in today's Syria,
Firenze; Malibu: Società Editrice Fiorentina; Undena Publications (with Stefania Ermidoro and Yasmine Mahmoud).
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"The First Gilgamesh. Conjectures About the Earliest Epic"
in Pavel S. Avetisyan, Roberto Dan and Yervand H. Grekyan (eds) 2019, Over the Mountains and Far Away. Studies in Near Eastern History and Archaeology presented to Mirjo Salvini on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 114-19.
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"From Urkesh to Mozan. The Itinerary of a Project in Wartime"
in Agnieszka Pieńkowska, Dariusz Szelag and Iwona Zych (eds) 2019, Stories Told around the Fountain. Papers Offered to Piotr Bieliński on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press, pp. 187-204.
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"Persistence of Tradition at Urkesh. The Temple Terrace from Protoliterate to Mittani"
in Caucasian Mountains and Mesopotamian Steppe. On the Dawn of the Bronze Age. Festschrift in Honour of Rauf M. Munchaev's 90th Birthday, Moscow: ИАРАН (2019), pp. 340-354.
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"Degrees of Digitality. The Case of Excavation Reports"
in Nadja Cholidis, Elisabeth Katzy and Sabina Kulemann-Ossen (eds) 2020, Zwischen Ausgrabung und Ausstellung. Beiträge zur Archäologie Vorderasiens. Festschrift für Lutz Martin, marru: Studien zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 9, Münster: Zaphon, pp. 247-258 [ISBN 978-3-96327-108-3 (Book) / ISBN 978-3-96327-109-0 (E-Book)].
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"Archaeological Digital Narratives: The Case of Urkesh Ceramics"
in Alexander Ahrens, Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow, Franziska Bloch and Claudia Bührig (eds) 2020, Drawing the Threads Together. Studies on Archaeology in Honour of Karin Bartl, marru: Studien zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 10, Münster: Zaphon, pp. 380-397 [ISBN 978-3-96327-120-5 (Book) / ISBN 978-3-96327-121-2 (E-Book)] (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"'I'm again not doing well...'"
Backdirt 2020 (December) Archaeology and Pandemics, pp. 72-73 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"Distancing: One-on-One Heritage Archaeology across Three Continents"
Backdirt 2020 (December) Archaeology and Pandemics, pp. 92-97 (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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"'Awīliš īwē'. L'uomo mesopotamico come figlio della città"
in Michele Cammarosano, Elena Devecchi, Maurizio Viano (eds) 2020, talugaeš witteš. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Stefano de Martino on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Kasion. Publikationen zur ostmediterranen Antike/Publications on Eastern Mediterranean Antiquity 2, Münster: Zaphon, pp. 37-49 [ISBN 978-3-96327-110-6 (Book) / ISBN 978-3-96327-111-3 (E-Book)].
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"Bibbia e Oriente: la dimensione intellettuale del programma editoriale"
Somascha. Bollettino di storia dei Padri Somaschi 27, pp. 63-66.
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"Job and Not"
in Annalisa Azzoni, Alexandra Kleinerman, Douglas A. Knight, David I. Owen (eds) 2020, From Mari to Jerusalem and Back. Assyriological and Biblical Studies in Honor of Jack Murad Sasson, University Park, Pennsylvania: Eisenbrauns, pp. 386-407 (Chapter 24) [ISBN 978-1-57506-741-4 (Hardbook)].
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"Le origini preistoriche di simbolo e mito"
in Maria Elena Balza, Paola Cotticelli-Kurras, Lorenzo d'Alfonso, Mauro Giorgieri, Federico Giusfredi, Alfredo Rizza (eds) 2020, Città e parole, argilla e pietra. Studi offerti a Clelia Mora da allievi, colleghi e amici, Biblioteca di Athenaeum 65, EdiPuglia: Bari, pp. 137-147 [ISBN 978-8-87228-938-9 / ISSN 1721-3474].
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"The Cosmos before Cosmology: Foreshadowing of Order in Prehistory"
in Ignacio Carbajosa, Nicoletta Scotti Muth (eds) 2021, Israel and the Cosmological Empires of the Ancient Orient. Symbols of Order in Eric Voegelin's Order and History, Vol. 1, Brill, Wilhelm Fink Verlag: Paderborn, pp. 129-154 [ISBN 978-3-7705-6487-3 (Paperback)].
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"Transformative Transitions: Learning from a Distant Past", 1/2022, pp. 127-139.
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"The Qraya Salt Experiment. Reenacting Salt Production Processes of Protohistoric Mesopotamia,"
in Marius Alexianu, Roxana-Gabriela Curca, Olivier Weller, Ashley Dumas (eds), Mirrors of Salt: Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt. 20-24 August 2015, 2023, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 17-32 (together with B. Hopkinson).
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"Urkesh Community Archaeology Project. A Sustainable Model from Syria"
in Living Communities and Their Archaeologies in the Middle East (together with Hiba Qassar).
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"An Epistemological Perspective on the Mesopotamian Wisdom Tradition"
in Francesco Sironi and Maurizio Viano (eds), Wisdom Between East and West: Mesopotamia, Greece and Beyond, Antichistica 36 - Studi orientali 13, Venezia: Edizioni Ca'Foscari, pp. 5-20.
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"Temporal clustering at Urkesh. A structural analysis of strata, phases, horizons"
in a forthcoming Festschrift (with Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati).
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